Sunday, November 6, 2011

Holistic Cooking Tips

Holistic Lifestyles
How we prepare our food is as important as what we eat. You can buy the best piece of organic, grass fed steak, but if you char it on the grill, the carcinogens created offset the health benefits. Here are some tips to better cook your food, and what to use to cook it.

1. Check your cookware. Great spring cleaning project! Do you see teflon and non-stick pans? Get rid of those: the coating contains toxins that leech into your food when heated. No thanks. Use cast iron pots, stainless steel, or Le Creuset enamel cookware.

2. Get rid of your microwave and use the stove, oven, or a toaster oven. I’ve seen a lot of information out there confirming the microwave’s safety, saying it doesn’t emit *that much* radiation, doesn’t lessen food’s nutrient value, etc. The fact is, microwaves use radiation and cook your food from the inside out, scrambling the nutrients and denaturing the protein. Plus, if you’re microwaving in plastic, you’ll get a double dose of endocrine-disrupting dioxins. Dioxins are xenoestrogens (chemicals that have estrogenic effects on the body) that cause men to grow boobs (kidding, kind of) and girls to get their periods at ages 8 or 9. Back to microwaves: I am using the precautionary principle here and advise you to do the same. If there is any doubt about the safety of a product, stay away from it. We are already bombarded by so much pollution and so many chemicals; don’t add to your toxic load. I do believe that microwaving destroys nutrients in food. And never use the microwave to heat milk for babies!

3. Don’t cook your food to death at high temperatures. It takes longer, but slow cooking at lower temps is much preferable to help food retain its nutrients. For example, I slow roast salmon at 250 degrees, which takes a bit of time, but it tastes heavenly and is healthier. Invest in a slow cooker! Time saving and healthy food prep. Same with greens and with steaming foods: don’t over-cook.

4. If you grill, don’t char your food! This creates cancer-causing carcinogens. Also, our preference for “well done” is not the most healthful. Cook your food medium rare or even rare. The exception here is chicken & pork. Invest in a meat thermometer. Worried about food poisoning? Buy your meat organic and local. You have much less risk of getting a bug from this type of meat than from factory farmed unhealthy feedlot meat. Gross. Let the meat come to room temperature before cooking–it’ll cook more evenly. Let it rest after it’s done so the juices redistribute and you get moister meat.

5. Eat some raw food every day. This doesn’t require any cooking! Raw foods to avoid: broccoli, kale, cabbage, and other members of brassicae family. They contain constituents that can hurt thyroid function. Eat raw fruits and raw veggies on salad, raw nuts, and raw dairy if you use dairy products.

6. Soak raw nuts and grains for easier digestability. Soak nuts in water and sea salt overnight, then dry out in 150 degree oven. Soak grains in water only.

7. Don’t use canola for pan frying/sauteing. Or anything, for that matter. Use coconut or grapeseed oil for high temp cooking. Olive and sesame for medium temp cooking or as a base for salad dressings/marinades.

8. Speaking of, make your own dressings! The ones you buy at the store almost always have canola or soy oil or other unsavory ingredients.

Here is a Asian Inspired salad dressing that can also double as a marinade for fish:
1 tsp grated ginger
2 cloves garlic, pressed
3 TBS rice vinegar, or lemon juice
3 TBS soy sauce
1 TBS miso paste
Whisk all ingredients together, or put in a jar and shake.

What is holistic food?

Holistic Lifestyles
Holistic Food is food in its’ original state as found in Nature. Holistic food is unprocessed, without additives, without any artificial enrichment or fortification.

Holistic Food is food that nourishes and rejuvenates a person as a whole, providing benefits to the body, the mind and the soul. Holistic food retains its’ natural properties throughout the course of preparation.

What are the benefits of holistic foods?

In their natural state, foods are comprised of the 5 basic elements, Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Space, each of which is essential to a person's health. In holistic food, there are some active as well as passive components, which balance each other. As the saying goes, "let my food be my medicine."

Holistic Foods
•Nourish and balance the Body, the Mind and the Spirit
•Strengthen the immune system
•Prevent chronic illnesses
•Provide medicinal qualities that rejuvenate and heal the body
What is the difference between conventional and Ayurvedically balanced food?
Conventionally balanced food provides the correct proportion of macronutrients and micronutrients, such as carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals.

Ayurvedically balanced food provides the correct proportion of the 5 basic elements, thereby balancing hot/cold, moist/dry and light/heavy qualities. Ayurvedic food creates balance through a flavorful combination of the six tastes into a delicious meal.

What makes AyurFoods taste so good?

Ayurfoods is based on Ayurvedic theory of correct combination of six tastes. The spice mix in Ayurfoods is the wisdom Dr. Apte learnt from her grand mother. So, the unique taste has a history of generations.

What are Ayurvedic guidelines about eating?

•Eat three meals and zip your lips in between
•Eat at right times – Break fast around 7.00 am , lunch around noon and dinner around 6-7.00 pm
•Respect the food you will be eating
•Sit Down and eat. Enjoy eating. Don’t eat on the run, or watch TV or work on the computer while eating.
•Don’t just eat raw foods. Eat freshly cooked food.
•Eat with proper frame of mind. Be happy when you eat, not depressed, worried, angry or sad. You may ingest those emotions with food, and it will not be digested well.
•Eat enough quantity that you feel full. Don’t eat less, you may end up eating in couple of hours, or don’t eat too much. It will create indigestion and you will feel lethargic.
•Take time, chew food longer. You will enjoy it more.
•My Doctor recommends eating small frequent meals – ( 5-6 times a day). Why does Ayurveda recommend eating only three meals?
•Eating three meals a day and zipping the lips in between is the perfect way of eating. It takes about 5-6 hours to go thru’ all stages of digestion. If we eat before, food stays undigested, causes gas, bloating and, discomfort. Instead of eating smaller meals, we should eat enough to feel full, so we don’t feel hungry soon.

Why is food so important?

All tissues in the body are energy reserves. Every moment of our life we are utilizing energy, as this energy is utilized, it needs to be replenished to maintain the reserves. Body creates energy from the food we eat. So it is important to eat good quality food, well cooked food. As the saying goes “Let my food be my medicine”.

Why do we have to eat fresh food?

Fresh food has life energy called Prana. Prana is a healing energy. Processed foods may have calories, but absolutely no Prana. If it doesn’t have healing energy, how can it heal us? It also is loaded with preservatives, additives, colorings which may not be good for our system.

We are so busy, how can we cook fresh?

It is not that we don’t have time, its not our priority, so we can’t make time. Once we understand the fresh food is absolutely critical for our health, we will make time. Ayurfoods is the best solution for health conscious people like you, who are busy but want to eat well. With Ayurfoods, you can cook fresh food in minutes.

Different constitution have to eat differently!

Yes, it is true. Ayurveda is not “one size fits all” philosophy. Certain qualities in foods balance different Doshas. For example – Kapha people (heavy weight) have to eat light, warm and dry foods. Such as toasts, baked, grilled or broiled meats and vegetables, and more spices. Pitta people have to eat more cooling foods, salads, fruits, fewer spices and drink plenty of water. Vatas do best on moist and warm foods such as soups, stews, pasta with sauce, herbal teas etc.

Subtle qualities in foods balance Doshas and prevent many diseases. But, there are certain foods that are ideal for all Body Constitutions, called Tridoshic. Ayurfoods are tridoshic, so are good for anybody and everybody.

AyurFoods are available at


How Can Your Arthritis Pain Be Relieved?

Arthritis Pain Relief by Ken Kay

Health Issues
Recently, Many Arthritis Patients Are Choosing Glucosamine for Arthritis Pain Relief. While science has yet to bring us a cure for arthritis, there are many different forms of alternative  medicine which can bring arthritis pain relief. While one individual may benefit from magnet therapy and another may see relief through acupuncture, glucosamine dietary supplements are proving themselves to be the leader of the pack when it comes to arthritis pain relief.
Much research is being undertaken on how glucosamine can benefit patients with arthritis. Glucosamine has been shown to reduce inflammation and to retard the progression of joint deterioration in arthritis patients. Many arthritis patients have added a dietary supplement of glucosamine to their diets and are reporting it has the ability to bring about arthritis pain relief.

Glucosamine is a natural substance which is found in the body. The supplemental form of glucosamine usually originates from sea creatures, such as the shrimp, shark, or lobster. The great thing about glucosamine is that you can use it in conjunction with your prescription medication. You should always tell your doctor when you add a supplement (or use another form of alternative medicine) to find arthritis pain relief. Glucosamine is not a fad. In fact, there are many reputable hospitals which are currently researching glucosamine and how it can aid in arthritis pain relief. So, you should not feel you need hide your intake of glucosamine supplements from your doctor.

If you are suffering pain from arthritis, this article offers helpful suggestions about glucosamine supplements. It comes in capsule form as well as in powder and liquid. 

Glucosamine supplements come in liquid, powder and capsule form. Most individuals take the capsule form of glucosamine for arthritis pain relief. Capsules are convenient and tasteless. They are also fairly inexpensive. Glucosamine comes in different forms, but most individuals take glucosamine sulfate. Glucosamine supplements are available in extended relief or time release form. This is perfect for the individual who is looking to have glucosamine inside their system throughout the day for arthritis pain relief.
Everyone who has arthritis is encouraged to be proactive and find the arthritis pain relief treatment which works for them. Your best bet is to start with glucosamine supplements. You will know within a few weeks if they are working for you. If they do not, you are no worse off than when you started. If they do provide arthritis pain relief for you, you will be joining the list of countless other arthritis patients who are benefitting daily from glucosamine supplements.

About The Author

Ken Kay is the acclaimed and highly regarded author of numerous health related articles and founder of popular and frequently updated site

Urinary Tract Infections in Dogs and Cats

If you've noticed that your dog has recently been whining to go out more often, he may be suffering from a urinary tract infection (UTI). In addition to frequent urination, the following signs may indicate a UTI:

Straining, pain or difficulty urinating
Blood in the urine
Foul smelling urine
Urination in inappropriate places
Tender lower abdomen (in the area of the bladder)

Similar signs can be seen with urinary stones or obstructions. Your veterinarian can rule out these other problems.

UTIs are a common problem in dogs but relatively uncommon in cats. However, inflammation of the urinary tract in cats may produce UTI-like symptoms, and is a serious health problem. If your cat exhibits any of the above symptoms, take him to a veterinarian as soon as possible. Male cats can show the above signs when their urinary tract is obstructed. This can be life threatening in a short period of time.

Females have a wider and shorter urethra than males and are affected by UTIs more often. Males can get UTIs though, especially when they are intact (non-neutered). UTIs are also more likely to affect older, spayed dogs who experience incontinence. Unfortunately, the cause of UTIs in pets is generally unknown.

Your veterinarian will test your pet's urine to diagnose a UTI. A urinalysis is the examination of urine for abnormal substances such as blood, protein, sugar or white blood cells, which may indicate a UTI. Urine samples can be collected by having the pet urinate in a container. A sample can also be retrieved from the bladder by catheterization or by drawing urine directly from the bladder with a needle.

A bacterial urine culture will be performed to identify the presence of bacteria, which will confirm that a UTI is present. If the urinalysis indicates that your pet has a UTI, your veterinarian will prescribe antibiotics to treat the condition.  On a more holistic note, learn how to keep your pets UTI free and treat without the use of antibiotics here.

There are some steps you can take at home to decrease the incidence of UTIs.
Make sure that your pet has access to plenty of clean, fresh water. When urine remains in the bladder for a long time, bacteria can multiply and your pet will be more prone to infection. Let your pet outside every few hours to help him eliminate bacteria. If you have an indoor cat, make sure her litter box is always accessible and clean.

Taking your dog on at least two walks a day will also increase the frequency of urination and may reduce the risk of infection. Occasionally the infection causing bacteria will swim up your pet's ureter and may cause a dangerous kidney infection called pyelonephritis. If you notice any changes in your pet's normal urinary habits, take him to your veterinarian before an infection turns into a potentially serious health problem.

Urinary tract infections are just as uncomfortable for pets as they are for people, and they get them nearly as often.  Caused by bacteria in the bladder or urethra (the tube through which urine flows), urinary tract infections can make it very painful to urinate.  And, if the infections aren't caught early, they can spread upward to the kidneys, causing serious problems.

Both holistic and mainstream veterinarians treat urinary tract infections with antibiotics, but holistic vets go a little further.  They use a variety of natural remedies to strengthen the immune system so that it is better able to resist the infection.  In addition, they feel that it is important to correct imbalances in the body that allow bacteria to thrive.

What are the Signs of a Urinary Tract Infection?
There is blood in your pet's urine.
Your pet cries or strains when urinating.
The urine has a bad smell.
Your pet wants to go out more often or is having accidents in the house.

How can you Help?

Safely and effectively treat the causes and the symptoms of urinary tract and bladder infections in pets naturally with UTI-Free, a selected combination of herbal and homeopathic ingredients.  UTI-Free keeps pets UTI free without antibiotics.  This is definitely one remedy you want to keep on hand at all times, just in case reduce irritation with herbs.

An herbal tincture called Goldenrod Horsetail Compound, which contains corn silk, goldenrod, horsetail, pipsissewa leaf, and juniper berry, can help sooth and support an irritated urinary system.  Dogs weighing under 15 pounds can have half a dropperful of the tincture twice a day until they are feeling better. 
Larger dogs can take between one and two droppersful a day.  The easiest way to give the tincture is to mix it in your pet's food.  

An alternative, if you cannot find this compound, is a homeopathic Antibiotic Tincture, which is something every household should have anyway, to help heal a variety of ailments that might normally require an antibiotic.

Alcohol tinctures aren't safe for long-term use in cats, so an herbal tea is a better choice.  Look for a combination of goldenrod, horsetail, parsley, marsh mallow root and elderberry called Urinary Tea Blend.  Cats can take one teaspoon of the cooled tea three times a day until the symptoms have cleared up.

Relieve pain with Cantharis - The homeopathic remedy Cantharis will quickly ease discomfort in pets that are straining to urinate.  It is most effective when there is also blood in the urine.  Give two or three 30C pellets at the first sign of infection and repeating the treatment once an hour for three hours.  Your pet doesn't have to swallow the pellets.  Just put them in her mouth, where they will be absorbed by the mucous membranes.  If your pet isn't getting better within 12 hours, you will want to call your vet.

Stop infection with cranberry - Cranberry stops bacteria from adhering to the surface of the bladder and it acidifies the urine.  Bacteria doesn't thrive in an acid environment.  It would take alot of cranberry juice to make a difference though because most pets dislike the taste.  You can, however, give Cranberry Fruit Extract.  You can give one capsule for every 20 pounds of pet.

Boost immunity with TF Pets - the most advanced immune support supplements ever formulated for dogs and cats. These high-quality Human Grade ingredients provide triple strength protection with Transfer Factor XF™, ThymuPro™, and Cordyvant™. This powerful and proprietary blend of ingredients works together to activate and enhance the immune system's ability to respond to the many pathogens your pet comes in contact with. In many ways, our pets face even more health challenges than we do, because they come in contact with a less clean environment than humans, and are therefore more susceptible to many other pathogens. Because of this, it is much more important to provide them with the immune support and nutritional needs that keep them healthy and happy.

Strengthen the body with vitamin C - Vitamin C is also great for the lining of the bladder because it is a natural anti-inflammatory.  Pets under 15 pounds can be given 250mg of vitamin C, twice a day.  Pets 15 to 50 pounds can have 500mg, twice a day, and larger dogs can take 1,000mg, twice a day.  Use a buffered form of vitamin C such as Ester C, because it is less likely to irritate the digestive track.  Since vitamin C can cause diarrhea, you may have to cut back the dose until you find the right amount your pet can tolerate.  This is known as bowel tolerance.

Restore the body's balance - The problem with antibiotics is that they kill beneficial bacteria along with those that cause infection.  To restore a healthful bacterial balance when your pet is taking antibiotics for infection, you may want to give supplements containing Lactobacillus Bifidus.  Give pets under 20 pounds one-eighth teaspoon twice a day.  Larger pets can take one-quarter teaspoon twice a day.  But wait an hour or two after your pet takes the antibiotic.  Lots of yogurt works great too!

Switch to a chemical-free food - The chemical additives, preservatives and artificial colors in many commercial pet foods may weaken immunity and make pets more vulnerable to infections.  Stick with home cooking or with high-quality, all natural pet food such as Life's Abundance.

Give additional fluids - Dogs and cats that don't drink alot also don't urinate alot, and this allows bacteria to stay inside the bladder and urinary tract.  You can't force pets to drink, but you can increase their fluid intake by giving them moist foods or by moistening dry food with a little bit of water or chicken broth.

Provide clean water - The chemicals in some drinking water can deter pets from drinking.  This makes them more susceptible to infection because their urine gets very concentrated.  It is recommended that you give your dog or cat filtered or spring water to encourage them to relieve and to also prevent urinary tract infections (especially if your dog or cat is prone to them).

Provide plenty pee breaks - When dogs or cats are recovering from urinary tract infections, you want to encourage them to urinate as often as possible.  Frequent urination will prevent urine in the bladder from getting too concentrated.

Keep her clean - Females that were spayed at an early age sometimes develop loose tissue that allows urine to pool around the urethra.  In females, the urethra is very short and bacteria can ascend very quickly to the bladder.  If your pet gets infections frequently, you may be able to prevent problems by giving her bottom a quick wipe with a baby wipe or wet paper towel whenever she urinates.  This will remove bacteria before they get a chance to move upstream.

When to call the vet

Most urinary tract infections will go away fairly quickly once they are treated with antibiotics.  But they can also get worse, sometimes very quickly.  The infection can ascend into the kidney and cause very serious problems.  If you suspect your pet has an infection, it is fine to wait for a day before calling your vet.  But if she isn't getting better by then (after having tried some of the solutions above) and seems to be in pain, you will need to make an appointment right away.  An exception to this wait-and-see rule is if your pet is straining to urinate, but nothing is coming out.  Pets that cannot urinate could have a stone blocking the urethra.  This is especially common in male cats.  This requires emergency medical treatment.

UTI-Free is availabale at

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Famous November Birthdays

Famous November Birthdays

November 1, 1935- Gary Player, PGA golfer
November 1, 1942- Larry Flynt, magazine publisher
November 1, 1957- Lyle Lovett, country singer
November 1, 1960- Fernando Valenzuela,  MLB baseball pitcher
November 1, 1972- Jenny McCarthy, actress
November 2, 1734- Daniel Boone, Kentucky frontiersman
November 2, 1755- Marie Antoinette, queen of France
November 2, 1795- James K. Polk, 11th U.S. President (1845-1849)
November 2, 1865- Warren G. Harding, 29th U.S. President (1921-1923)
November 2, 1913- Burt Lancaster, actor
November 2, 1920- Ann Rutherford, actress
November 2, 1924- Ray Walston, actor
November 2, 1938- Pat Buchanan, journalist, presidential candidate
November 2, 1942- Stephanie Powers, actress, starred in  "Hart To Hart"
November 3, 1793- Stephen Austin, defeated Mexican army and founded Texas
November 3, 1922- Charles Bronson, actor
November 3, 1933- Michael Dukakis, presidential candidate, Governor of Massachusetts
November 3, 1949- Larry Holmes, champion heavyweight boxer
November 3, 1952- Roseanne, Emmy winning actress, comedian
November 3, 1953- Dennis Miller, comedian, SNL
November 3, 1956- Phil Simms, NFL NY Giants quarterback, sportscaster
November 4, 1879- Will Rogers, actor, cowboy
November 4, 1916- Walter Cronkite, TV journalist
November 4, 1918- Art Carney, actor
November 4, 1937- Loretta Swit, actress  played Margaret "Hot Lips" on TV series "M*A*S*H"
November 4, 1954- Yanni, composer
November 4, 1969- Matthew McConaughey, actor
November 5, 1911- Roy Rogers, the "King of the Cowboys", born Leonard Franklin Slye
November 5, 1913- Vivien Leigh, actress
November 5, 1931- Ike Turner, singer
November 5, 1941- Art Garfunkel, singer , duo "Simon & Garfunkel"
November 5, 1941- Elke Sommer, actress
November 5, 1963- Tatum O'Neal, actress
November 6, 1854- John Philip Sousa, composer, band conductor
November 6, 1916- Ray Conniff, bandleader
November 6, 1946- Sally Field, actress
November 6, 1955- Maria Shriver, TV journalist
November 7, 1867- Marie Curie, chemist, physicist
November 7, 1918- Billy Graham, evangelist
November 7, 1922- Al Hirt, jazz musician
November 7, 1938- Barry Newman, actor
November 8, 1656- Edmund Halley, astronomer, mathematician
November 8, 1847 Bram Stoker, novelist, wrote horror novel Dracula
November 8, 1922- Christian Barnard, surgeon, performed the first heart transplant
November 8, 1931- Morley Safer, TV journalist
November 8, 1933- Esther Rolle, actress
November 8, 1949- Bonnie Raitt, singer, musician
November 8, 1968- Courtney Thorne-Smith, actress
November 9, 1913- Hedy Lamarr, actress
November 9, 1918- Spiro T. Agnew, The only U.S. Vice President to resign while in office.
November 9, 1934- Carl Sagan, astronomer
November 9, 1942- Tom Weiskopf,  PGA golfer
November 9, 1969- Sean Combs, rapper "Puff Daddy"
November 10, 1925- Richard Burton, actor
November 10, 1932-Roy Scheider, actor
November 10, 1956- Sinbad, actor
November 10, 1959- Mackenzie Phillips, actress, TV series "One Day at a Time"
November 11, 1885- George S. Patton, WWII general
November 11, 1896- Charles "Lucky" Luciano, gangster
November 11, 1922- Kurt Vonnegut Jr., novelist
November 11, 1925- Jonathan Winters, actor, comedian
November 11, 1951- Fuzzy Zoeller, PGA golfer
November 11, 1962- Demi Moore, actress starred in movie "Ghost"
November 11, 1974- Leonardo DiCaprio, actor, starred in "Titanic"
November 12, 1815- Elizabeth Cady Stanton, leader of women's suffrage
November 12, 1866- Sun Yat-sen, Chinese revolutionary leader
November 12, 1908- Harry A. Blackmun,  U.S. Supreme Court Justice
November 12, 1929- Princess Grace (Grace Kelly), actress, princess of Monaco
November 12, 1945- Neil Young, singer, songwriter
November 12, 1961- Nadia Comaneci, champion Olympic gymnast
November 12, 1967- David Schwimmer, actor,  "Ross" on TV series "Friends"
November 12, 1968- Sammy Sosa, MLB baseball slugger
November 12, 1970- Tonya Harding, figure skater, woman boxer
November 13, 1850- Robert Louis Stevenson, writer
November 13, 1932- Richard Mulligan, actor
November 13, 1947- Joe Mantegna, actor
November 13, 1949- Whoopi Goldberg, TV and moive actress, comedian
November 13, 1959- Tracy Scoggins, actress
November 14, 1765- Robert Fulton, invented the steamboat
November 14, 1840- Claude Monet, painter
November 14, 1889- Jawaharlal Nehru, Prime Minister of India
November 14, 1896 -Mamie Eisenhower, First Lady of the United States
November 14, 1900- Aaron Copland, composer
November 14, 1908- Joseph McCarthy, U.S. Senator led 1950's anti-Communism probes
November 14, 1929- McLean Stevenson, actor
November 14, 1948- Prince Charles, Prince of Wales
November 14, 1954- Condoleezza Rice, National Security Advisor, Secretary of State for Bush Administration
November 15, 1891- Erwin Rommel, German World War II General
November 15, 1919- Joseph Wapner, Television judge
November 15, 1929- Ed Asner, actor
November 15, 1932- Petula Clark, singer
November 15, 1940- Sam Waterston, actor, lawyer "Jack McCoy" on TV series "Law & Order"
November 15, 1957- Kevin Eubanks, "Tonight Show with Jay Leno" Band Leader
November 16, 1909- Burgess Meredith, actor the "Penguin" in "Batman"
November 16, 1935- Elizabeth Drew, journalist
November 16, 1967- Lisa Bonet, actress
November 16, 1977- Oksana Baiul, champion Olympic figure skater
November 17, 1925- Rock Hudson, actor
November 17, 1938- Gordon Lightfoot, singer, songwriter
November 17, 1942- Martin Scorsese, director
November 17, 1944 -Danny DeVito, actor
November 17, 1944- Lorne Michaels, producer, "Saturday Night Live"
November 17, 1944-Tom Seaver, baseball pitcher
November 17, 1980- Isaac Hanson, singer
November 18, 1908- Imogene Coca, actress, comedian
November 18, 1918- Cameron Mitchell, actor
November 18, 1923- Alan Shepard, astronaut, first American in space
November 18, 1928 - Mickey Mouse's Birthday
November 18, 1939- Margaret Atwood, author
November 18, 1942- Linda Evans, actress, "Krystle Carrington" on TV series "Dynasty"
November 18, 1953- Kevin Nealon, comedian, "SNL"
November 19, 1752- George Rogers Clark, soldier, frontiersman
November 19, 1831- James A. Garfield, 20th U.S. President, assassinated during first year in office (1881)
November 19, 1905- Tommy Dorsey, "Big Band" bandleader
November 19, 1917- Indira Gandhi, Prime Minister of India
November 19, 1933- Larry King, TV talk show, journalist
November 19, 1936- Dick Cavett, actor
November 19th, 1938 - Ted Turner, broadcasting
November 19th, 1942 - Calvin Klein, Fashion Designer
November 19, 1949 Ahmad Rashad, NFL football player, sportscaster
November 19th, 1961- Meg Ryan, actress, "Sleepless in Seattle"
November 19th, 1962- Jodie Foster, actress
November 20, 1866- Kenesaw Mountain Landis, first baseball commissioner
November 20, 1889- Edwin Hubble, astronomer
November 20, 1900- Chester Gould, cartoonist, created "Dick Tracy"
November 20, 1920- Gene Tierney, actress
November 20, 1925- Robert F. Kennedy, Brother of President John F. Kennedy, presidential candidate
November 20, 1932- Richard Dawson, actor, gameshow host, "Hogans' Heroes"
November 20, 1939- Dick Smothers, actor, comedian, "The Smothers Brothers"
November 20, 1956- Bo Derek, actress
November 21, 1694- Voltaire, philosopher
November 21, 1893- Harpo Marx, actor, comedian, one of the "Marx Brothers"
November 21, 1920- Stan Musial, MLB baseball player
November 21, 1927- Joseph Campanella, actor
November 21, 1943- Marlo Thomas, actress starred in TV series "That Girl", daughter of Danny Thomas
November 21, 1945- Goldie Hawn, actress, "Laugh-In"
November 21, 1961- Mariel Hemingway, actress
November 21, 1963- Nicollette Sheridan, actress
November 21, 1966- Troy Aikman, NFL Dalls Cowboys quarterback
November 21, 1969- Ken Griffey Jr., MLB baseball homerun slugger
November 22, 1890- Charles de Gaulle, President of France
November 22, 1921- Rodney Dangerfield, actor, comedian
November 22, 1932- Robert Vaughn, actor, starred in "The Man from U.N.C.L.E."
November 22, 1943- Billie Jean King, champion tennis player
November 22, 1958- Jamie Lee Curtis, actress
November 22, 1967- Boris Becker, champion tennis player
November 23, 1804- Franklin Pierce, 14th U.S. President (1853-1857)
November 23, 1859- William "Billy the Kid" Bonney, Wild West outlaw
November 23, 1887 -Boris Karloff, actor
November 23, 1945- Susan Anspach, actress
November 23, 1954- Bruce Hornsby, singer/musician
November 24, 1784 Zachary Taylor, 12th U.S. President, died in office. Got sick eating cherries and milk. (1849-1850)
November 24, 1864- Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, painter
November 24, 1888- Dale Carnegie, inspirational author, lecturer, wrote "How to Win Friends and Influence People",, more
November 24, 1925- William F. Buckley Jr., author, columnist
November 24, 1940- Paul Tagliabue, NFL commissioner
November 25, 1835- Andrew Carnegie, financier, banker
November 25, 1914- Joe DiMaggio, MLB baseball player
November 25, 1920- Ricardo Montalban, actor
November 25, 1947- John Larroquette, actor
November 25, 1960- John F. Kennedy Jr., son of President Kennedy, magazine editor, died in plane crash
November 25, 1981- Barbara and Jenna Bush, twin daughters of President George W. Bush
November 26, 1912- Eric Sevareid, journalist, news correspondent
November 26, 1922- Charles Schulz, cartoonist, created "Peanuts"
November 26, 1933- Robert Goulet, singer
November 26, 1938- Rich Little, comedian
November 26, 1939- Tina Turner, singer
November 27, 1853- Bat Masterson, gambler, lawman
November 27, 1917- "Buffalo Bob" Smith, TV personality, hosted "Howdy  Doody Time"
November 27, 1942- Jimi Hendrix, musician, songwriter
November 27, 1957- Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg, daughter of President Kennedy, author
November 28, 1929- Berry Gordy, founded Motown
November 28, 1909- Hope Lange, actress
November 28, 1938- Gary Hart, senator, Democratic party presidential candidate
November 28, 1943- Randy Newman, singer, songwriter
November 28, 1949- Paul Shaffer, bandleader for David Letterman Show
November 28, 1959- Judd Nelson, actor
November 29, 1932- Jacques Chirac, President of France
November 29, 1940- Chuck Mangione, composer, musician
November 29, 1955- Howie Mandel, actor, comedian
November 29, 1964- Kim Delaney, actress
November 30, 1835- Samuel Clemens "Mark Twain", author "Tom Sawyer"
November 30, 1874- Sir Winston Churchill, Prime Minister of Britain  WWII
November 30, 1926- Richard Crenna, actor
November 30, 1929- Dick Clark, TV personality, "American Bandstand"
November 30, 1936- Abbie Hoffman, political activist
November 30, 1937- Robert Guillaume, actor
November 30, 1952- Mandy Patinkin, actor, singer
November 30, 1955- Billy Idol, singer
November 30, 1962- Bo Jackson, played two major league sports: baseball and football
November 30, 1965- Ben Stiller, actor, director
November 30, 1978- Clay Aiken, American Idol 2 finalist